The sacred Mayan calendar contains all of the wisdom of the universe.

Known as the Cholq’ij in Guatemala & Tzolkin in Mexico; is an ancient guidance system used for thousands of years to track the movement of energies within the physical & non physical. Earthly & cosmic, matter & spirit, heart of Earth & heart of Sky.

A Mayan Cross reading is a spiritual & divinatory practice rooted in this ancient form of cosmology and time keeping. In essence, your Mayan Cross serves as a spiritual roadmap and compass, that can be utilised to foster deeper understanding of ourselves & what we came here to contribute.

The Day Signs

The ceremonial calender observes a 260-day cycle; 20 x 13 day cycles, each known as a Trecena. This form of time keeping informs of both the earthly & cosmic energies influencing each day, Trecena & year. Deep observation of these energies over a long period of time, allows us to work with the ancient wisdom of the calendar & our Mayan Cross to assist our individual & collective evolution.

The 20 day signs of the Cholq’ij: B’atz’, E, Aj, Ix, Tz’ikin, Ajmaq, No’j, Tijax, Kawok, Ajpu, Imox, Iq’, Aq’ab’al, K’at, Kan, Kame, Kej, Q’anil, Toj, T’zi’.

Readings are facilitated through your birth date, revealing your spiritual path, life purpose & challenges. It uses a system of 20 day signs (Nawales) combined with 1-13 numbers referred to as tones, which together create specific energies & influences within our lives.

You will discover the Day Signs associated with your childhood, adulthood, feminine, masculine & elderhood. Including descriptions of the energetic codes that each carries; giving insight to the ways inwhich they may express themselves through you & your life.

Additionally, you will learn the energy of the year & the energy of the trecena (13 day cycle) you were born within. Full explanations of all of the energies within your cross are given, providing a detailed view of the universal energies resonating within your source code that inform & influence you.

Your reading will be sent as a multi-page PDF doc to the email address provided with payment.

Once you have received your reading you can request a free 20 minute follow up video call with Luzura to discuss any elements within your chart further and ask questions.

Please allow 2-3 weeks to receive, meanwhile, we suggest adding to your email address book to ensure it doesn’t go into junk or spam folders.

**Couples readings are available upon request; both must have first received a Mayan Cross reading.

Luzura shares this knoweldge with acknowledgement & gratitude to their teacher; elder Aj q’ij (Day keeper) Mark Elmy (pictured below at Yaxha, Guatemala).

“Thus their hearts were filled with joy, because they knew everything. They examined the four corners, the four points of the arch of the sky and the round face of the earth. The things hidden, they saw, without first having to move; and instantly they saw the entire world.”

~ Popol Vuh, Part 4